CHAI Core: Interventions
CHAI Core’s intervention services use state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate the translation of traditional evidence-based interventions into effective web- and mobile-based interventions in nutrition and obesity.
CHAI Core: Interventions offers state of the art techniques and resources for the development of behavioral science interventions aimed at health promotion and disease prevention. CHAI Core: Interventions is a one-stop shop for investigators looking to add value to their research studies in the areas of technology, user inquiry, and graphic design. CHAI Core: Interventions uses state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate the translation of traditional evidence-based behavioral interventions into effective web- and mobile-based interventions in nutrition and obesity.
To request CHAI Core: Interventions services, please visit our website or contact Jennifer Wills Gallagher, MPPA, RD, Administrative Director.
Database Development
Development of customized, secure databases used for collecting participant data and conducting online surveys. Our staff has expertise in Access, SQL server, and Oracle databases on both Windows and Linux platforms.
Graphic Design
Design assistance for the development of logos, print materials and web graphics for intervention research. For examples of our graphic design work, please visit our online portfolio.
Focus Groups & Individual Interview Sessions
The core provides assistance to investigators collecting qualitative data through the design and implementation of focus groups or individual interview sessions. Services can include assistance with participant recruitment, development of interview guidelines and surveys, facilitation of the focus groups or interviews, and/or analysis and interpretation of data.
Formative Research
Formative research is a valuable tool used to gain a deeper understanding of one’s target population when planning a new intervention project. The formative research process involves multiple stages – from the initial project design, through the implementation of focus group, data collection activities, and the analysis of project data. Our staff provides consultation and training for formative research.
Mobile & Emerging Technologies
Our staff can develop intervention apps for smart phones, can create tools to tailor personalized messages, and design avatars and other interactive instruments for intervention studies.
Process Evaluation
Evaluating what goes on “behind the scenes” in an intervention study is important to understanding how and why something works (or doesn’t). Process evaluation can also provide valuable insight into what strategies can used to improve tested methods. Our staff provides consultation on incorporating process evaluation design and measures into intervention research.
Survey Design
The core develops secure, confidential online surveys for intervention research. Our surveys are developed using the latest research in health behavior theory and cancer communication.
Usability Testing
Usability testing is a technique for ensuring that the users of a system are able to efficiently use the technology as intended. During testing, participants are asked to “think out loud” as they search, browse or complete specific tasks as directed by our usability specialist. Usability testing can be conducted at any time during the design process, however, findings during the developmental stage of intervention planning can be used to help investigators refine the design of a study before implementation.
Web Design & Development
Our web development team specializes in website design and development for intervention research using the latest technology in computer and multimedia applications. The CHAI Core can also host your website and can provide tracking information on how your website is being used, if requested. Our programmers have expertise in ASP, ASP.NET, PHP and JSP on Windows or Linux platforms.
Deborah Tate, PhD
Professor, Health Behavior and Nutrition
Director, CHAI Core
Jennifer Wills Gallagher, MPPA, RD
Administrative Director, CHAI Core
Administrative Director, CHAI Core